

UnifiedMemoryManager is the default MemoryManager since Spark 1.6 with onHeapStorageMemory being ??? and onHeapExecutionMemory being ???

The other now legacy (before Spark 1.6) MemoryManager is StaticMemoryManager.

acquireStorageMemory method

acquireStorageMemory is a part of the MemoryManager Contract.

acquireStorageMemory has two modes of operation per memoryMode, i.e. MemoryMode.ON_HEAP or MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP, for execution and storage pools, and the maximum amount of memory to use.

FIXME Where are they used?

In MemoryMode.ON_HEAP, onHeapExecutionMemoryPool, onHeapStorageMemoryPool, and maxOnHeapStorageMemory are used.

In MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP, offHeapExecutionMemoryPool, offHeapStorageMemoryPool, and maxOffHeapMemory are used.

FIXME What is the difference between them?

It makes sure that the requested number of bytes numBytes (for a block to store) fits the available memory. If it is not the case, you should see the following INFO message in the logs and the method returns false.

INFO Will not store [blockId] as the required space ([numBytes] bytes) exceeds our memory limit ([maxMemory] bytes)

If the requested number of bytes numBytes is greater than memoryFree in the storage pool, acquireStorageMemory will attempt to use the free memory from the execution pool.

The storage pool can use the free memory from the execution pool.

It will take as much memory as required to fit numBytes from memoryFree in the execution pool (up to the whole free memory in the pool).

Ultimately, acquireStorageMemory requests the storage pool for numBytes for blockId.

acquireUnrollMemory method

acquireUnrollMemory is a part of the MemoryManager Contract.

acquireUnrollMemory simply passes calls to acquireStorageMemory.

maxOnHeapStorageMemory method

maxOnHeapStorageMemory is a part of the MemoryManager Contract.

Creating UnifiedMemoryManager Instance

private[spark] class UnifiedMemoryManager private[memory] (
  conf: SparkConf,
  val maxHeapMemory: Long,
  onHeapStorageRegionSize: Long,
  numCores: Int)

When an instance of UnifiedMemoryManager is created, it requires a SparkConf with the following numbers:

  • maxHeapMemory

  • onHeapStorageRegionSize

  • numCores

It makes sure that the sum of onHeapExecutionMemoryPool and onHeapStorageMemoryPool pool sizes is exactly the constructor’s maxHeapMemory.

It also makes sure that the sum of offHeapExecutionMemoryPool and offHeapStorageMemoryPool pool sizes is exactly maxOffHeapMemory.

FIXME Describe the pools

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