
QueryPlanner transforms a LogicalPlan through a chain of GenericStrategy objects to produce a physical execution plan, i.e. SparkPlan for SparkPlanner or the Hive-Specific SparkPlanner.

QueryPlanner Contract

QueryPlanner contract defines the following operations:


The abstract strategies method that returns a collection of GenericStrategy objects (that are used in the other plan method).


plan(plan: LogicalPlan) that returns an Iterator[PhysicalPlan] with elements being the result of applying each GenericStrategy object from strategies collection to plan input parameter.


collectPlaceholders that returns a collection of pairs of a physical plan and a corresponding LogicalPlan.


prunePlans that prunes bad physical plans.


SparkStrategies is an abstract base QueryPlanner that produces a SparkPlan.

SparkStrategies merely serves as a "container" with concrete SparkStrategy objects, e.g. FileSourceStrategy, SpecialLimits, JoinSelection, StatefulAggregationStrategy, Aggregation, InMemoryScans, StreamingRelationStrategy, etc.

Strategy is a type alias of SparkStrategy that is defined in org.apache.spark.sql package object.
SparkPlanner is the one and only concrete implementation of SparkStrategies available.
FIXME What is singleRowRdd for?

Hive-Specific SparkPlanner for HiveSessionState

HiveSessionState class uses an custom anonymous SparkPlanner for planner method (part of the SessionState contract).

The custom anonymous SparkPlanner uses Strategy objects defined in HiveStrategies.

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