
TaskContext allows a task to access contextual information about itself as well as register task listeners.

Using TaskContext you can access local properties that were set by the driver. You can also access task metrics.

You can access the active TaskContext instance using TaskContext.get method.

TaskContext belongs to org.apache.spark package.

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
TaskContext is serializable.

Contextual Information

  • stageId is the id of the stage the task belongs to.

  • partitionId is the id of the partition computed by the task.

  • attemptNumber is to denote how many times the task has been attempted (starting from 0).

  • taskAttemptId is the id of the attempt of the task.

  • isCompleted returns true when a task is completed.

  • isInterrupted returns true when a task was killed.

All these attributes are accessible using appropriate getters, e.g. getPartitionId for the partition id.

Registering Task Listeners

Using TaskContext object you can register task listeners for task completion regardless of the final state and task failures only.

addTaskCompletionListener Method

addTaskCompletionListener(listener: TaskCompletionListener): TaskContext
addTaskCompletionListener(f: (TaskContext) => Unit): TaskContext

addTaskCompletionListener methods register a TaskCompletionListener listener to be executed on task completion.

It will be executed regardless of the final state of a task - success, failure, or cancellation.
val rdd = sc.range(0, 5, numSlices = 1)

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
val printTaskInfo = (tc: TaskContext) => {
  val msg = s"""|-------------------
                |partitionId:   ${tc.partitionId}
                |stageId:       ${tc.stageId}
                |attemptNum:    ${tc.attemptNumber}
                |taskAttemptId: ${tc.taskAttemptId}

rdd.foreachPartition { _ =>
  val tc = TaskContext.get

addTaskFailureListener Method

addTaskFailureListener(listener: TaskFailureListener): TaskContext
addTaskFailureListener(f: (TaskContext, Throwable) => Unit): TaskContext

addTaskFailureListener methods register a TaskFailureListener listener to be executed on task failure only. It can be executed multiple times since a task can be re-attempted when it fails.

val rdd = sc.range(0, 2, numSlices = 2)

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
val printTaskErrorInfo = (tc: TaskContext, error: Throwable) => {
  val msg = s"""|-------------------
                |partitionId:   ${tc.partitionId}
                |stageId:       ${tc.stageId}
                |attemptNum:    ${tc.attemptNumber}
                |taskAttemptId: ${tc.taskAttemptId}
                |error:         ${error.toString}

val throwExceptionForOddNumber = (n: Long) => {
  if (n % 2 == 1) {
    throw new Exception(s"No way it will pass for odd number: $n")

// FIXME It won't work.
rdd.map(throwExceptionForOddNumber).foreachPartition { _ =>
  val tc = TaskContext.get

// Listener registration matters.
rdd.mapPartitions { (it: Iterator[Long]) =>
  val tc = TaskContext.get

Accessing Local Properties — getLocalProperty Method

getLocalProperty(key: String): String

You can use getLocalProperty method to access local properties that were initially set by the driver using SparkContext.setLocalProperty.

Task Metrics

taskMetrics(): TaskMetrics

taskMetrics method is part of the Developer API that allows to access the instance of TaskMetrics for a task.

getMetricsSources Method

getMetricsSources(sourceName: String): Seq[Source]

getMetricsSources allows to access all the metrics sources by sourceName which are associated with the instance that runs the task.

Accessing Active TaskContext — get Method

get(): TaskContext

get method returns the TaskContext instance for an active task (as a TaskContextImpl object). There can only be one instance and tasks can use the object to access contextual information about themselves.

val rdd = sc.range(0, 3, numSlices = 3)

scala> rdd.partitions.size
res0: Int = 3

rdd.foreach { n =>
  import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
  val tc = TaskContext.get
  val msg = s"""|-------------------
                |partitionId:   ${tc.partitionId}
                |stageId:       ${tc.stageId}
                |attemptNum:    ${tc.attemptNumber}
                |taskAttemptId: ${tc.taskAttemptId}
TaskContext object uses ThreadLocal to keep it thread-local, i.e. to associate state with the thread of a task.


TaskContextImpl is the only implementation of TaskContext abstract class.

  • stage

  • partition

  • task attempt

  • attempt number

  • runningLocally = false

  • taskMemoryManager

FIXME Where and how is TaskMemoryManager used?

Creating TaskContextImpl Instance




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