TaskSchedulerImpl — Default TaskScheduler

TaskSchedulerImpl is the default implementation of TaskScheduler Contract and extends it to track racks per host and port. It can schedule tasks for multiple types of cluster managers by means of Scheduler Backends.

Using spark.scheduler.mode setting you can select the scheduling policy.

When a Spark application starts (and an instance of SparkContext is created) TaskSchedulerImpl with a SchedulerBackend and DAGScheduler are created and soon started.

taskschedulerimpl sparkcontext schedulerbackend dagscheduler.png
Figure 1. TaskSchedulerImpl and Other Services
TaskSchedulerImpl is a private[spark] class with the source code in org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl.

Enable INFO or DEBUG logging levels for org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/log4j.properties:


Refer to Logging.



executorHeartbeatReceived Method

  execId: String,
  accumUpdates: Array[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])],
  blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean

executorHeartbeatReceived is…​

executorHeartbeatReceived is a part of the TaskScheduler Contract.

Cancelling Tasks for Stage — cancelTasks Method

cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit

cancelTasks cancels all tasks submitted for execution in a stage stageId.

It is currently called by DAGScheduler when it cancels a stage.

handleSuccessfulTask Method

  taskSetManager: TaskSetManager,
  tid: Long,
  taskResult: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit

handleSuccessfulTask simply forwards the call to the input taskSetManager (passing tid and taskResult).

handleTaskGettingResult Method

handleTaskGettingResult(taskSetManager: TaskSetManager, tid: Long): Unit

handleTaskGettingResult simply forwards the call to the taskSetManager.

applicationAttemptId Method

applicationAttemptId(): Option[String]

schedulableBuilder Attribute

schedulableBuilder is a SchedulableBuilder for the TaskSchedulerImpl.

It is set up when a TaskSchedulerImpl is initialized and can be one of two available builders:

Use spark.scheduler.mode setting to select the scheduling policy.

Tracking Racks per Hosts and Ports — getRackForHost Method

getRackForHost(value: String): Option[String]

getRackForHost is a method to know about the racks per hosts and ports. By default, it assumes that racks are unknown (i.e. the method returns None).

It is overriden by the YARN-specific TaskScheduler YarnScheduler.

getRackForHost is currently used in two places:

Internal Registries and Counters

Table 1. Internal Registries and Counters
Name Description


The next task id counting from 0.

Used when TaskSchedulerImpl…​


Lookup table of TaskSet by stage and attempt ids.


Lookup table of TaskSetManager by task id.


Lookup table of executor by task id.


Lookup table of the number of running tasks by executor.


Collection of executors per host


Collection of hosts per rack


Lookup table of hosts per executor

Creating TaskSchedulerImpl Instance

class TaskSchedulerImpl(
  val sc: SparkContext,
  val maxTaskFailures: Int,
  isLocal: Boolean = false)
extends TaskScheduler

Creating a TaskSchedulerImpl object requires a SparkContext object with acceptable number of task failures and optional isLocal flag (disabled by default, i.e. false).

There is another TaskSchedulerImpl constructor that requires a SparkContext object only and sets maxTaskFailures to spark.task.maxFailures or, if spark.task.maxFailures is not set, defaults to 4.

While being created, TaskSchedulerImpl initializes internal registries and counters to their default values.

TaskSchedulerImpl then sets schedulingMode to the value of spark.scheduler.mode setting (defaults to FIFO).

schedulingMode is part of TaskScheduler Contract.

Failure to set schedulingMode results in a SparkException:

Unrecognized spark.scheduler.mode: [schedulingModeConf]

Ultimately, TaskSchedulerImpl creates a TaskResultGetter.

Initializing TaskSchedulerImpl — initialize Method

initialize(backend: SchedulerBackend): Unit

initialize initializes a TaskSchedulerImpl object.

TaskSchedulerImpl initialize.png
Figure 2. TaskSchedulerImpl initialization

initialize saves the reference to the current SchedulerBackend (as backend) and sets rootPool to be an empty-named Pool with already-initialized schedulingMode (while creating a TaskSchedulerImpl object), initMinShare and initWeight as 0.

schedulingMode and rootPool are a part of TaskScheduler Contract.

It then creates the internal SchedulableBuilder object (as schedulableBuilder) based on schedulingMode:

With the schedulableBuilder object created, initialize requests it to build pools.

FIXME Why are rootPool and schedulableBuilder created only now? What do they need that it is not available when TaskSchedulerImpl is created?

Starting TaskSchedulerImpl — start Method

As part of initialization of a SparkContext, TaskSchedulerImpl is started (using start from the TaskScheduler Contract).

start(): Unit

start starts the scheduler backend.

taskschedulerimpl start standalone.png
Figure 3. Starting TaskSchedulerImpl in Spark Standalone

task-scheduler-speculation Scheduled Executor Service — speculationScheduler Internal Attribute

speculationScheduler is a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService with the name task-scheduler-speculation for speculative execution of tasks.

When TaskSchedulerImpl starts (in non-local run mode) with spark.speculation enabled, speculationScheduler is used to schedule checkSpeculatableTasks to execute periodically every spark.speculation.interval after the initial spark.speculation.interval passes.

speculationScheduler is shut down when TaskSchedulerImpl stops.

Checking for Speculatable Tasks — checkSpeculatableTasks Method

checkSpeculatableTasks(): Unit

checkSpeculatableTasks requests rootPool to check for speculatable tasks (if they ran for more than 100 ms) and, if there any, requests SchedulerBackend to revive offers.

checkSpeculatableTasks is executed periodically as part of speculative execution of tasks.

Acceptable Number of Task Failures — maxTaskFailures Attribute

The acceptable number of task failures (maxTaskFailures) can be explicitly defined when creating TaskSchedulerImpl instance or based on spark.task.maxFailures setting that defaults to 4 failures.

It is exclusively used when submitting tasks through TaskSetManager.

Cleaning up After Removing Executor — removeExecutor Internal Method

removeExecutor(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit

removeExecutor removes the executorId executor from the following internal registries: executorIdToTaskCount, executorIdToHost, executorsByHost, and hostsByRack. If the affected hosts and racks are the last entries in executorsByHost and hostsByRack, appropriately, they are removed from the registries.

Unless reason is LossReasonPending, the executor is removed from executorIdToHost registry and TaskSetManagers get notified.

The internal removeExecutor is called as part of statusUpdate and executorLost.

Local vs Non-Local Mode — isLocal Attribute


Post-Start Initialization — postStartHook Method

postStartHook is a custom implementation of postStartHook from the TaskScheduler Contract that waits until a scheduler backend is ready (using the internal blocking waitBackendReady).

postStartHook is used when SparkContext is created (before it is fully created) and YarnClusterScheduler.postStartHook.

Waiting Until SchedulerBackend is Ready — waitBackendReady Method

The private waitBackendReady method waits until a SchedulerBackend is ready.

It keeps on checking the status every 100 milliseconds until the SchedulerBackend is ready or the SparkContext is stopped.

If the SparkContext happens to be stopped while doing the waiting, a IllegalStateException is thrown with the message:

Spark context stopped while waiting for backend

Stopping TaskSchedulerImpl — stop Method

stop(): Unit

stop() stops all the internal services, i.e. task-scheduler-speculation executor service, SchedulerBackend, TaskResultGetter, and starvationTimer timer.

Calculating Default Level of Parallelism — defaultParallelism Method

Default level of parallelism is a hint for sizing jobs. It is a part of the TaskScheduler contract and used by SparkContext to create RDDs with the right number of partitions when not specified explicitly.

TaskSchedulerImpl uses SchedulerBackend.defaultParallelism() to calculate the value, i.e. it just passes it along to a scheduler backend.

Submitting Tasks — submitTasks Method

submitTasks is a part of TaskScheduler Contract.
submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit

submitTasks creates a TaskSetManager for the input TaskSet and adds it to the Schedulable root pool.

The root pool can be a single flat linked queue (in FIFO scheduling mode) or a hierarchy of pools of Schedulables (in FAIR scheduling mode).

It makes sure that the requested resources, i.e. CPU and memory, are assigned to the Spark application for a non-local environment before requesting the current SchedulerBackend to revive offers.

taskschedulerImpl submitTasks.png
Figure 4. TaskSchedulerImpl.submitTasks
If there are tasks to launch for missing partitions in a stage, DAGScheduler executes submitTasks (see submitMissingTasks for Stage and Job).

When submitTasks is called, you should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO TaskSchedulerImpl: Adding task set [taskSet.id] with [tasks.length] tasks

It creates a new TaskSetManager for the input taskSet and the acceptable number of task failures.

The acceptable number of task failures is specified when a TaskSchedulerImpl is created.
A TaskSet knows the tasks to execute (as tasks) and stage id (as stageId) the tasks belong to. Read TaskSets.

The TaskSet is registered in the internal taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt registry with the TaskSetManager.

If there is more than one active TaskSetManager for the stage, a IllegalStateException is thrown with the message:

more than one active taskSet for stage [stage]: [TaskSet ids]
TaskSetManager is considered active when it is not a zombie.

When the method is called the very first time (hasReceivedTask is false) in cluster mode only (i.e. isLocal of the TaskSchedulerImpl is false), starvationTimer is scheduled to execute after spark.starvation.timeout to ensure that the requested resources, i.e. CPUs and memory, were assigned by a cluster manager.

After the first spark.starvation.timeout passes, the internal hasReceivedTask flag becomes true.

Every time the starvation timer thread is executed and hasLaunchedTask flag is false, the following WARN message is printed out to the logs:

WARN Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources

Otherwise, when the hasLaunchedTask flag is true the timer thread cancels itself.

Ultimately, submitTasks requests the SchedulerBackend to revive offers.

Use dag-scheduler-event-loop thread to step through the code in a debugger.

Processing Executor Resource Offers — resourceOffers Method

resourceOffers(offers: Seq[WorkerOffer]): Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]]

resourceOffers method is called by SchedulerBackend (for clustered environments) or LocalBackend (for local mode) with WorkerOffer resource offers that represent cores (CPUs) available on all the active executors with one WorkerOffer per active executor.

taskscheduler resourceOffers.png
Figure 5. Processing Executor Resource Offers
resourceOffers is a mechanism to propagate information about active executors to TaskSchedulerImpl with the hosts and racks (if supported by the cluster manager).

A WorkerOffer is a 3-tuple with executor id, host, and the number of free cores available.

WorkerOffer(executorId: String, host: String, cores: Int)

For each WorkerOffer (that represents free cores on an executor) resourceOffers method records the host per executor id (using the internal executorIdToHost) and sets 0 as the number of tasks running on the executor if there are no tasks on the executor (using executorIdToTaskCount). It also records hosts (with executors in the internal executorsByHost registry).

FIXME BUG? Why is the executor id not added to executorsByHost?

For the offers with a host that has not been recorded yet (in the internal executorsByHost registry) the following occurs:

  1. The host is recorded in the internal executorsByHost registry.

  2. executorAdded callback is called (with the executor id and the host from the offer).

  3. newExecAvail flag is enabled (it is later used to inform TaskSetManagers about the new executor).

FIXME a picture with executorAdded call from TaskSchedulerImpl to DAGScheduler.

It shuffles the input offers that is supposed to help evenly distributing tasks across executors (that the input offers represent) and builds internal structures like tasks and availableCpus.

TaskSchedulerImpl resourceOffers internal structures.png
Figure 6. Internal Structures of resourceOffers with 5 WorkerOffers

The root pool is requested for TaskSetManagers sorted appropriately (according to the scheduling order).

rootPool is a part of the TaskScheduler Contract and is exclusively managed by SchedulableBuilders (that add TaskSetManagers to the root pool.

For every TaskSetManager in the TaskSetManager sorted queue, the following DEBUG message is printed out to the logs:

DEBUG TaskSchedulerImpl: parentName: [taskSet.parent.name], name: [taskSet.name], runningTasks: [taskSet.runningTasks]
The internal rootPool is configured while TaskSchedulerImpl is being initialized.

While traversing over the sorted collection of TaskSetManagers, if a new host (with an executor) was registered, i.e. the newExecAvail flag is enabled, TaskSetManagers are informed about the new executor added.

A TaskSetManager will be informed about one or more new executors once per host regardless of the number of executors registered on the host.

For each TaskSetManager (in sortedTaskSets) and for each preferred locality level (ascending), resourceOfferSingleTaskSet is called until launchedTask flag is false.

FIXME resourceOfferSingleTaskSet + the sentence above less code-centric.

Check whether the number of cores in an offer is greater than the number of cores needed for a task.

When resourceOffers managed to launch a task (i.e. tasks collection is not empty), the internal hasLaunchedTask flag becomes true (that effectively means what the name says "There were executors and I managed to launch a task").

resourceOffers returns the tasks collection.

resourceOffers is called when CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend makes resource offers.

resourceOfferSingleTaskSet Method

  taskSet: TaskSetManager,
  maxLocality: TaskLocality,
  shuffledOffers: Seq[WorkerOffer],
  availableCpus: Array[Int],
  tasks: Seq[ArrayBuffer[TaskDescription]]): Boolean

resourceOfferSingleTaskSet is a private helper method that is executed when…​

statusUpdate Method

  tid: Long,
  state: TaskState.TaskState,
  serializedData: ByteBuffer): Unit

statusUpdate removes a lost executor when a tid task has failed. For all task states, statusUpdate removes the tid task from the internal registries, i.e. taskIdToTaskSetManager and taskIdToExecutorId, and decrements the number of running tasks in executorIdToTaskCount registry. For tid in FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED or LOST states, statusUpdate informs the TaskSetManager that the task can be removed from the running tasks. For tid in FINISHED state statusUpdate schedules an asynchrounous task to deserialize the task result (and notify TaskSchedulerImpl) while for FAILED, KILLED or LOST states it calls TaskResultGetter.enqueueFailedTask. Ultimately, given an executor that has been lost, statusUpdate informs informs DAGScheduler that the executor was lost and SchedulerBackend is requested to revive offers.

For tid task in LOST state and an executor still assigned for the task and tracked in executorIdToTaskCount registry, the executor is removed (with reason Task [tid] was lost, so marking the executor as lost as well.).

FIXME Why is SchedulerBackend.reviveOffers() called only for lost executors?

statusUpdate looks up the TaskSetManager for tid (in taskIdToTaskSetManager registry).

When the TaskSetManager is found and the task is in a finished state, the task is removed from the internal registries, i.e. taskIdToTaskSetManager and taskIdToExecutorId, and the number of currently running tasks for the executor is decremented (in executorIdToTaskCount registry).

For a task in FAILED, KILLED, or LOST state, the task is removed from the running tasks (as for the FINISHED state) and then TaskResultGetter.enqueueFailedTask is called.

If the TaskSetManager for tid could not be found (in taskIdToTaskSetManager registry), you should see the following ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR Ignoring update with state [state] for TID [tid] because its task set is gone (this is likely the result of receiving duplicate task finished status updates)

Any exception is caught and reported as ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR Exception in statusUpdate

Ultimately, for tid task with an executor marked as lost, statusUpdate informs DAGScheduler that the executor was lost (with SlaveLost and the reason Task [tid] was lost, so marking the executor as lost as well.) and SchedulerBackend is requested to revive offers.

FIXME image with scheduler backends calling TaskSchedulerImpl.statusUpdate.
statusUpdate is called when CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend, LocalSchedulerBackend and MesosFineGrainedSchedulerBackend inform about task state changes.

Notifying TaskSetManager that Task Failed — handleFailedTask Method

  taskSetManager: TaskSetManager,
  tid: Long,
  taskState: TaskState,
  reason: TaskFailedReason): Unit
handleFailedTask is called when TaskResultGetter deserializes a TaskFailedReason for a failed task.

taskSetFinished Method

taskSetFinished(manager: TaskSetManager): Unit

taskSetFinished looks all TaskSets up by the stage id (in taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt registry) and removes the stage attempt from them, possibly with removing the entire stage record from taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt registry completely (if there are no other attempts registered).

taskschedulerimpl tasksetmanager tasksetfinished.png
Figure 7. TaskSchedulerImpl.taskSetFinished is called when all tasks are finished
A TaskSetManager manages a TaskSet for a stage.

You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Removed TaskSet [id], whose tasks have all completed, from pool [name]
taskSetFinished method is called when TaskSetManager has received the results of all the tasks in a TaskSet.

executorAdded Method

executorAdded(execId: String, host: String)

executorAdded method simply passes the notification on to the DAGScheduler (using DAGScheduler.executorAdded)

FIXME Image with a call from TaskSchedulerImpl to DAGScheduler, please.


Table 2. Spark Properties
Spark Property Default Value Description


4 in cluster mode

1 in local except local-with-retries

The number of individual task failures before giving up on the entire TaskSet and the job afterwards.



The number of CPUs to request per task.



Threshold above which Spark warns a user that an initial TaskSet may be starved.



A case-insensitive name of the scheduling mode — FAIR, FIFO, or NONE.

NOTE: Only FAIR and FIFO are supported by TaskSchedulerImpl. See schedulableBuilder.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""