
CatalystSerde object consists of three methods:

CatalystSerde is a Scala object and belongs to org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical package.

Creating DeserializeToObject Logical Plan for Child Logical Plan — deserialize method

deserialize[T : Encoder](child: LogicalPlan): DeserializeToObject

deserialize creates a DeserializeToObject logical plan for the input child logical plan.

Internally, deserialize creates a UnresolvedDeserializer for the deserializer for the type T first and passes it on to a DeserializeToObject with a AttributeReference (being the result of generateObjAttr).

serialize method

serialize[T : Encoder](child: LogicalPlan): SerializeFromObject

generateObjAttr method

generateObjAttr[T : Encoder]: Attribute

DeserializeToObject Unary Logical Plan

case class DeserializeToObject(
  deserializer: Expression,
  outputObjAttr: Attribute,
  child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectProducer

DeserializeToObject is a unary logical plan that takes the input row from the input child logical plan and turns it into the input outputObjAttr attribute using the given deserializer expression.

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