
A TaskSetManager is a Schedulable that manages execution of the tasks in a single TaskSet (after having it been handed over by TaskScheduler).

TaskSetManager TaskSchedulerImpl TaskSet.png
Figure 1. TaskSetManager and its Dependencies

The responsibilities of a TaskSetManager include (follow along the links to learn more in the corresponding sections):


Enable DEBUG logging level for org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/log4j.properties:


Refer to Logging.

Creating TaskSetManager Instance


Internal Registries and Counters

Table 1. Internal Registries and Counters
Name Description


The number of the tasks that have already completed execution.

Starts from 0 when a TaskSetManager is created and is only incremented when the TaskSetManager checks that there is enough memory to fetch a task result.


The number of task copies currently running per task (index in its task set).

The number of task copies is increased when dequeuing a task for execution or checking for speculatable tasks and decreased when a task fails or an executor is lost (for a shuffle map stage and no external shuffle service).


Lookup table of TaskInfo’s indices that failed to executor ids and the time of the failure.

Used in handleFailedTask.


Disabled, i.e. false, by default.

Read Zombie state in this document.


Collection of running tasks that a TaskSetManager manages.

Used to implement runningTasks (that is simply the size of runningTasksSet but a required part of any Schedulable). runningTasksSet is expanded when registering a running task and shrinked when unregistering a running task.

Used in TaskSchedulerImpl to cancel tasks.


Lookup table of TaskInfos per task id.

A task’s id and TaskInfo are added when the task is dequeued for execution. It appears that the entires stay forever, i.e. are never removed.


The stage’s id a TaskSetManager runs for.

Set when TaskSetManager is created.

It is a part of Schedulable Contract.


The current total size of the result of all the tasks that have finished.

Starts from 0 when TaskSetManager is created.

Only increased with the size of a task result whenever a TaskSetManager checks that there is enough memory to fetch the task result.













TaskSetManager is Schedulable

TaskSetManager is a Schedulable with the following implementation:

  • name is TaskSet_[taskSet.stageId.toString]

  • no parent is ever assigned, i.e. it is always null.

    It means that it can only be a leaf in the tree of Schedulables (with Pools being the nodes).

  • schedulingMode always returns SchedulingMode.NONE (since there is nothing to schedule).

  • weight is always 1.

  • minShare is always 0.

  • runningTasks is the number of running tasks in the internal runningTasksSet.

  • priority is the priority of the owned TaskSet (using taskSet.priority).

  • stageId is the stage id of the owned TaskSet (using taskSet.stageId).

  • schedulableQueue returns no queue, i.e. null.

  • addSchedulable and removeSchedulable do nothing.

  • getSchedulableByName always returns null.

  • getSortedTaskSetQueue returns a one-element collection with the sole element being itself.

  • executorLost

  • checkSpeculatableTasks

Marking Task As Fetching Indirect Result — handleTaskGettingResult Method

handleTaskGettingResult(tid: Long): Unit

handleTaskGettingResult looks the TaskInfo for the task id tid up in taskInfos internal registry and marks it as fetching indirect task result. It then notifies DAGScheduler.

handleTaskGettingResult is executed when TaskSchedulerImpl is notified about fetching indirect task result.

Registering Running Task — addRunningTask Method

addRunningTask(tid: Long): Unit

addRunningTask adds tid to runningTasksSet internal registry and requests the parent pool to increase the number of running tasks (if defined).

Unregistering Running Task — removeRunningTask Method

removeRunningTask(tid: Long): Unit

removeRunningTask removes tid from runningTasksSet internal registry and requests the parent pool to decrease the number of running task (if defined).

Handling Executor Lost Events — executorLost Method

executorLost is part of the Schedulable Contract which is called by TaskSchedulerImpl to inform TaskSetManagers about executors being lost.

Since TaskSetManager manages execution of the tasks in a single TaskSet, when an executor gets lost, the affected tasks that have been running on the failed executor need to be re-enqueued. executorLost is the mechanism to "announce" the event to all TaskSetManagers.

executorLost first checks whether the TaskSet is for a ShuffleMapStage (in which case all TaskSet.tasks are instances of ShuffleMapTask) as well as whether an external shuffle server is used (that could serve the shuffle outputs in case of failure).

If it is indeed for a failed ShuffleMapStage and no external shuffle server is enabled, all successfully-completed tasks for the failed executor (using taskInfos internal registry) are recorded as pending tasks and the DAGScheduler is informed about resubmission (as Resubmitted end reason).

The internal registries - successful, copiesRunning, and tasksSuccessful - are updated.

Regardless of the above check, all currently-running tasks for the failed executor are reported as failed (with the task state being FAILED).

recomputeLocality is called.

Checking Speculatable Tasks — checkSpeculatableTasks Method

checkSpeculatableTasks is part of the Schedulable Contract.
checkSpeculatableTasks(minTimeToSpeculation: Int): Boolean

checkSpeculatableTasks checks whether there are speculatable tasks in a TaskSet.

checkSpeculatableTasks is called when TaskSchedulerImpl checks for speculatable tasks.

If the TaskSetManager is zombie or has a single task in TaskSet, it assumes no speculatable tasks.

The method goes on with the assumption of no speculatable tasks by default.

It computes the minimum number of finished tasks for speculation (as spark.speculation.quantile of all the finished tasks).

You should see the DEBUG message in the logs:

DEBUG Checking for speculative tasks: minFinished = [minFinishedForSpeculation]

It then checks whether the number is equal or greater than the number of tasks completed successfully (using tasksSuccessful).

Having done that, it computes the median duration of all the successfully completed tasks (using taskInfos internal registry) and task length threshold using the median duration multiplied by spark.speculation.multiplier that has to be equal or less than 100.

You should see the DEBUG message in the logs:

DEBUG Task length threshold for speculation: [threshold]

For each task (using taskInfos internal registry) that is not marked as successful yet (using successful) for which there is only one copy running (using copiesRunning) and the task takes more time than the calculated threshold, but it was not in speculatableTasks it is assumed speculatable.

You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Marking task [index] in stage [taskSet.id] (on [info.host]) as speculatable because it ran more than [threshold] ms

The task gets added to the internal speculatableTasks collection. The method responds positively.

addPendingTask Method


dequeueSpeculativeTask Method


dequeueTask Method


executorAdded Method

executorAdded simply calls recomputeLocality method.

recomputeLocality Method

recomputeLocality (re)computes locality levels as a indexed collection of task localities, i.e. Array[TaskLocality.TaskLocality].

TaskLocality is an enumeration with PROCESS_LOCAL, NODE_LOCAL, NO_PREF, RACK_LOCAL, ANY values.

The method starts with currentLocalityIndex being 0.

It checks whether pendingTasksForExecutor has at least one element, and if so, it looks up spark.locality.wait.* for PROCESS_LOCAL and checks whether there is an executor for which TaskSchedulerImpl.isExecutorAlive is true. If the checks pass, PROCESS_LOCAL becomes an element of the result collection of task localities.

The same checks are performed for pendingTasksForHost, NODE_LOCAL, and TaskSchedulerImpl.hasExecutorsAliveOnHost to add NODE_LOCAL to the result collection of task localities.

Then, the method checks pendingTasksWithNoPrefs and if it’s not empty, NO_PREF becomes an element of the levels collection.

If pendingTasksForRack is not empty, and the wait time for RACK_LOCAL is defined, and there is an executor for which TaskSchedulerImpl.hasHostAliveOnRack is true, RACK_LOCAL is added to the levels collection.

ANY is the last and always-added element in the levels collection.

Right before the method finishes, it prints out the following DEBUG to the logs:

DEBUG Valid locality levels for [taskSet]: [levels]

myLocalityLevels, localityWaits, and currentLocalityIndex are recomputed.

resourceOffer Method

FIXME Review TaskSetManager.resourceOffer + Does this have anything related to the following section about scheduling tasks?
  execId: String,
  host: String,
  maxLocality: TaskLocality): Option[TaskDescription]

When a TaskSetManager is a zombie, resourceOffer returns no TaskDescription (i.e. None).

For a non-zombie TaskSetManager, resourceOffer…​FIXME


It dequeues a pending task from the taskset by checking pending tasks per executor (using pendingTasksForExecutor), host (using pendingTasksForHost), with no localization preferences (using pendingTasksWithNoPrefs), rack (uses TaskSchedulerImpl.getRackForHost that seems to return "non-zero" value for YarnScheduler only)

From TaskSetManager.resourceOffer:

INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0,, partition 0,PROCESS_LOCAL, 1997 bytes)

If a serialized task is bigger than 100 kB (it is not a configurable value), a WARN message is printed out to the logs (only once per taskset):

WARN TaskSetManager: Stage [task.stageId] contains a task of very large size ([serializedTask.limit / 1024] KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.

A task id is added to runningTasksSet set and parent pool notified (using increaseRunningTasks(1) up the chain of pools).

The following INFO message appears in the logs:

INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task [id] in stage [taskSet.id] (TID [taskId], [host], partition [task.partitionId],[taskLocality], [serializedTask.limit] bytes)

For example:

INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1, localhost, partition 1,PROCESS_LOCAL, 2054 bytes)

Scheduling Tasks in TaskSet


For each submitted TaskSet, a new TaskSetManager is created. The TaskSetManager completely and exclusively owns a TaskSet submitted for execution.

FIXME A picture with TaskSetManager owning TaskSet
FIXME What component knows about TaskSet and TaskSetManager. Isn’t it that TaskSets are created by DAGScheduler while TaskSetManager is used by TaskSchedulerImpl only?

TaskSetManager requests the current epoch from MapOutputTracker and sets it on all tasks in the taskset.

You should see the following DEBUG in the logs:

DEBUG Epoch for [taskSet]: [epoch]
FIXME What’s epoch. Why is this important?

TaskSetManager keeps track of the tasks pending execution per executor, host, rack or with no locality preferences.

Locality-Aware Scheduling aka Delay Scheduling

TaskSetManager computes locality levels for the TaskSet for delay scheduling. While computing you should see the following DEBUG in the logs:

DEBUG Valid locality levels for [taskSet]:  [levels]
FIXME What’s delay scheduling?


When a task has finished, the TaskSetManager calls DAGScheduler.taskEnded.


Recording Successful Task And Notifying DAGScheduler — handleSuccessfulTask Method

handleSuccessfulTask(tid: Long, result: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit

handleSuccessfulTask records the tid task as finished, notifies the DAGScheduler that the task has ended and attempts to mark the TaskSet finished.

FIXME Describe TaskInfo

Internally, handleSuccessfulTask looks TaskInfo up (in taskInfos internal registry) and records it as FINISHED.

It then removes tid task from runningTasksSet internal registry.

handleSuccessfulTask notifies DAGScheduler that tid task ended successfully (with the Task object from tasks internal registry and the result as Success).

At this point, handleSuccessfulTask looks up the other running task attempts of tid task and requests SchedulerBackend to kill them. You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Killing attempt [attemptNumber] for task [id] in stage [id] (TID [id]) on [host] as the attempt [attemptNumber] succeeded on [host]
FIXME Review taskAttempts

If tid has not yet been recorded as successful, handleSuccessfulTask increases tasksSuccessful counter. You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Finished task [id] in stage [id] (TID [taskId]) in [duration] ms on [host] (executor [executorId]) ([tasksSuccessful]/[numTasks])

tid task is marked as successful. If the number of task that have finished successfully is exactly the number of the tasks to execute (in the TaskSet), the TaskSetManager becomes a zombie.

If tid task was already recorded as successful, you should merely see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Ignoring task-finished event for [id] in stage [id] because task [index] has already completed successfully

Ultimately, handleSuccessfulTask attempts to mark the TaskSet finished.

Attempting to Mark TaskSet Finished — maybeFinishTaskSet Internal Method

maybeFinishTaskSet(): Unit

handleFailedTask Method

  tid: Long,
  state: TaskState.TaskState,
  reason: TaskFailedReason): Unit

handleFailedTask removes tid task from running tasks and marks TaskInfo as finished. It decreases the number of the tid task’s copies running (in copiesRunning internal registry).

handleFailedTask is executed after TaskSchedulerImpl has been informed that tid task failed or executorLost.
FIXME Can there be more than one copy of a task running? copiesRunning

If the tid task has already been marked as failed or killed (in taskInfos internal registry), handleFailedTask does nothing and quits.

handleFailedTask calculates the failure exception given the input reason, i.e. FetchFailed, ExceptionFailure, ExecutorLostFailure and other TaskFailedReasons.

handleFailedTask informs DAGScheduler that a task has ended (using tasks internal registry to access the Task instance and the result as null).

If the tid task is marked as successful (in successful internal registry) you should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid]) failed, but another instance of the task has already succeeded, so not re-queuing the task to be re-executed.

Otherwise, the tid task is recorded as a pending task.

If the TaskSetManager is not a zombie and the task failure should be counted towards the maximum number of times the task is allowed to fail before the stage is aborted (i.e. TaskFailedReason.countTowardsTaskFailures is enabled), the optional TaskSetBlacklist is updated.

handleFailedTask increments numFailures for tid and makes sure that it is not equal or greater than the allowed number of task failures per TaskSet (as specified when the TaskSetManager was created).

If so, i.e. the number of task failures of tid reached the maximum value, you should see the following ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR Task [id] in stage [id] failed [maxTaskFailures] times; aborting job

And handleFailedTask aborts the TaskSet and then quits.

Otherwise, when TaskSetManager is a zombie or the failure reason should not be counted towards the maximum number of times a task is allowed to fail before the stage is aborted, handleFailedTask attempts to mark the TaskSet finished.

FIXME image with handleFailedTask (and perhaps the other parties involved)

FetchFailed TaskFailedReason

For FetchFailed you should see the following WARN message in the logs:

WARN Lost task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid], [host], executor [id]): [reason]

Unless tid has already been marked as successful (in successful internal registry), it becomes so and the number of successful tasks in TaskSet gets increased.

The TaskSetManager enters zombie state.

The failure exception is empty.

ExceptionFailure TaskFailedReason

For ExceptionFailure, handleFailedTask checks if the exception is of type NotSerializableException. If so, you should see the following ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR Task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid]) had a not serializable result: [description]; not retrying

And handleFailedTask aborts the TaskSet and then quits.

Otherwise, if the exception is not of type NotSerializableException, handleFailedTask accesses accumulators and calculates whether to print the WARN message (with the failure reason) or the INFO message.

If the failure has already been reported (and is therefore a duplication), spark.logging.exceptionPrintInterval is checked before reprinting the duplicate exception in its entirety.

For full printout of the ExceptionFailure, the following WARN appears in the logs:

WARN Lost task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid], [host], executor [id]): [reason]

Otherwise, the following INFO appears in the logs:

INFO Lost task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid]) on [host], executor [id]: [className] ([description]) [duplicate [dupCount]]

The exception in ExceptionFailure becomes the failure exception.

ExecutorLostFailure TaskFailedReason

For ExecutorLostFailure if not exitCausedByApp, you should see the following INFO in the logs:

INFO Task [tid] failed because while it was being computed, its executor exited for a reason unrelated to the task. Not counting this failure towards the maximum number of failures for the task.

The failure exception is empty.

Other TaskFailedReasons

For the other TaskFailedReasons, you should see the following WARN message in the logs:

WARN Lost task [id] in stage [id] (TID [tid], [host], executor [id]): [reason]

The failure exception is empty.

Retrying Tasks on Failure


Up to spark.task.maxFailures attempts

Task retries and spark.task.maxFailures

When you start Spark program you set up spark.task.maxFailures for the number of failures that are acceptable until TaskSetManager gives up and marks a job failed.

In Spark shell with local master, spark.task.maxFailures is fixed to 1 and you need to use local-with-retries master to change it to some other value.

In the following example, you are going to execute a job with two partitions and keep one failing at all times (by throwing an exception). The aim is to learn the behavior of retrying task execution in a stage in TaskSet. You will only look at a single task execution, namely 0.0.

$ ./bin/spark-shell --master "local[*, 5]"
scala> sc.textFile("README.md", 2).mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, it) => if (idx == 0) throw new Exception("Partition 2 marked failed") else it).count
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting 2 missing tasks from ResultStage 1 (MapPartitionsRDD[7] at mapPartitionsWithIndex at <console>:25)
15/10/27 17:24:56 DEBUG DAGScheduler: New pending partitions: Set(0, 1)
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSchedulerImpl: Adding task set 1.0 with 2 tasks
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 0.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 2, localhost, partition 0,PROCESS_LOCAL, 2062 bytes)
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO Executor: Running task 0.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 2)
15/10/27 17:24:56 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 2)
java.lang.Exception: Partition 2 marked failed
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 0.1 in stage 1.0 (TID 4, localhost, partition 0,PROCESS_LOCAL, 2062 bytes)
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO Executor: Running task 0.1 in stage 1.0 (TID 4)
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO HadoopRDD: Input split: file:/Users/jacek/dev/oss/spark/README.md:0+1784
15/10/27 17:24:56 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.1 in stage 1.0 (TID 4)
java.lang.Exception: Partition 2 marked failed
15/10/27 17:24:56 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.4 in stage 1.0 (TID 7)
java.lang.Exception: Partition 2 marked failed
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.4 in stage 1.0 (TID 7) on executor localhost: java.lang.Exception (Partition 2 marked failed) [duplicate 4]
15/10/27 17:24:56 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 0 in stage 1.0 failed 5 times; aborting job
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSchedulerImpl: Removed TaskSet 1.0, whose tasks have all completed, from pool
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO TaskSchedulerImpl: Cancelling stage 1
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO DAGScheduler: ResultStage 1 (count at <console>:25) failed in 0.058 s
15/10/27 17:24:56 DEBUG DAGScheduler: After removal of stage 1, remaining stages = 0
15/10/27 17:24:56 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 1 failed: count at <console>:25, took 0.085810 s
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 1.0 failed 5 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.4 in stage 1.0 (TID 7, localhost): java.lang.Exception: Partition 2 marked failed

Zombie state

A TaskSetManager is in zombie state when all tasks in a taskset have completed successfully (regardless of the number of task attempts), or if the taskset has been aborted.

While in zombie state, a TaskSetManager can launch no new tasks and responds with no TaskDescription to resourceOffers.

A TaskSetManager remains in the zombie state until all tasks have finished running, i.e. to continue to track and account for the running tasks.

Aborting TaskSet — abort Method

abort(message: String, exception: Option[Throwable] = None): Unit
FIXME image with DAGScheduler call

The TaskSetManager enters zombie state.

Checking Available Memory For Task Result — canFetchMoreResults Method

canFetchMoreResults(size: Long): Boolean

canFetchMoreResults checks whether there is enough memory to fetch the result of a task.

Internally, canFetchMoreResults increments the internal totalResultSize with the input size which is the result of a task. It also increments the internal calculatedTasks.

If the current internal totalResultSize is bigger than spark.driver.maxResultSize the following ERROR message is printed out to the logs:

ERROR TaskSetManager: Total size of serialized results of [calculatedTasks] tasks ([totalResultSize]) is bigger than spark.driver.maxResultSize ([maxResultSize])

The current TaskSet is aborted and canFetchMoreResults returns false.

Otherwise, canFetchMoreResults returns true.

canFetchMoreResults is used in TaskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask only.


Table 2. Spark Properties
Spark Property Default Value Description



The maximum size of all the task results in a TaskSet. If the value is smaller than 1m or 1048576 (1024 * 1024), it is considered 0.

Used when TaskSetManager checks available memory for a task result and Utils.getMaxResultSize.



Time interval to pass after which a task can be re-launched on the executor where it has once failed. It is to prevent repeated task failures due to executor failures.


10000 millis

How frequently to reprint duplicate exceptions in full



For locality-aware delay scheduling for PROCESS_LOCAL, NODE_LOCAL, and RACK_LOCAL when locality-specific setting is not set.


The value of spark.locality.wait

Scheduling delay for PROCESS_LOCAL


The value of spark.locality.wait

Scheduling delay for NODE_LOCAL


The value of spark.locality.wait

Scheduling delay for RACK_LOCAL

results matching ""

    No results matching ""